Ishikawa Seisakusyo Co., Ltd. is specialized in forming and bending metal wire rods, including hose bands and clips.

Privacy policy

Ishikawa Seisakusyo Co., Ltd. recognizes that it is our social responsibility to strive to protect personal information obtained through our business activities. Therefore, all people working at our company will work to protect personal information based on the following policy.

Ishikawa Seisakusyo Co., Ltd.
Representative Director    Kazuya Arakawa

1. Collection and use of personal information
When we ask you to provide personal information, we will clarify the purpose of collecting it, inform you of our point of contact, and use it within the scope of achieving that purpose.
2. Disclosure and entrustment of personal information to third parties
Unless required by law, information will not be disclosed or provided to a third party without the prior approval of the information provider. In addition, when providing personal information to a subcontractor, we will ensure that the subcontractor handles the personal information appropriately by signing a confidentiality agreement, disseminating our information protection policy, and confirming the implementation status.
3. Protection of Personal Information
We take security measures to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, and unauthorized access of personal information, and manage such information appropriately.
4. Accuracy of personal information
We will appropriately handle requests for reference, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information after establishing a personal information inquiry desk and confirming the identity of the person concerned.
5. About continuous improvement
We will provide education to those involved in handling personal information, regularly inspect the handling of personal information, and review and improve personal information protection efforts from time to time.

Personal information inquiry desk
Ishikawa Seisakusyo Co., Ltd.
227 Araike, Haruki, Togo-cho, Aichi-gun, Aichi 470-0162 Japan
TEL : +81 -561-38-3003

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