Ishikawa Seisakusyo Co., Ltd. is specialized in forming and bending metal wire rods, including hose bands and clips.


In order to deliver products to the automobile industry, which require high quality, our commitment to quality is set forth in our quality policy.

Quality policy

  1. Always meet customer requirements and expectations, and aim to continuously improve customer satisfaction.
  2. Provide customers with "highest quality" products in a manner that complies with international standards.
  3. Implement "quality assurance with the participation of all employees" and focus on continuous improvements.

Our quality control has been highly rated and regularly evaluated by our business partners and we are commended it numerous times.

January 2004 ISO9001:2000 Certified
Registration number : B2007Q10003RIS
Scope of registration : Manufacturing of metal wire forming and bending products


We manufacture approximately 120 million units a year, and have achieved a defect rate of as low as 0.03 PPM.

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In order to ensure stable quality, we maintain appropriate inspection standards and conduct quality inspections with a reliable implementation system by dedicated inspection staff.

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We have introduced the latest inspection equipment and strive to ensure quality with inspection results based on digital data.

Plenary / Training and Upskilling

The company holds "quality meetings" to improve quality throughout the company. A skill map clearly outlines the skills that staff should acquire, and a system is in place for leaders to use the skill map to train staff on pre-determined criteria.

Work environment

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We reduce the worker fatigue in a bright, spacious, and safe workplace that is friendly and positive to people. Taking the work environment into consideration will also lead to further quality improvements.

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